whatieat-8-minSummer time calls for light and easy food! While in France, I decided to show you what a typical What I Eat In A Day looks like – summer holiday style.



Coconut Pancakes

*3 Eggs

*3 tbsp melted Coconut Oil

*1/2tbsp Honey

*1/3 cup of Almond Milk

*1 teaspoon of Vanilla Extract

*1/4 cup Coconut Flour

*1/2 teaspoon of Baking Powde

*Pinch of Salt


*Mix all ingredients together in a bowl until you have a smooth consistency.

*Take desired amount (half a ladle recommended) and fry in pan on a medium heat.

*Add Blueberries if desired for extra flavour!

Add maple syrup or choice of fresh berries on top and enjoy!




Quinoa Cakes



*Diced Red Pepper

*Cooked Quinoa

*Fresh Basil

*1 Whole Lemon Zest (plus juice as well)


*Tumeric (as desired)


*Olive Oil


*Cut up mushrooms, mix them in a bowl with olive oil and a bit of thyme

*Scatter on a tray and bake in the oven at 230 degrees celsius for 8 minutes

*Meanwhile, add all other ingredients (cooked quinoa, red pepper, basil, lemon zest, lemon juice, pinch of salt, eggs, tumeric) and mix together in a large bowl.

*Once mixed together, scoop into muffin tray and bake at 180 degrees celsius for 15 minutes.

*Once Quinoa Cakes are ready, place some fresh basil and mushrooms on top of each cakes and they are ready to serve!


Roasted Potatoes

*Potato Slices



*Olive Oil



*Slice potatoes and add olive oil, salt and pepper (as much as desired). Mix together and sprinkle rosemary on top.

*Arrange on flat tray and bake at 180 degrees celsius for 30 minutes.



Courgettes Fritters

*4 Big Grated Courgettes

*8 tbsp Coconut Flour

*2 Eggs

*Pinch of Salt

*Olive Oil


*Mix grated courgettes, eggs and coconut flour in a bowl.

*Heat up frying pan and add oil. Scoop out some of the courgette mixture and place in the pan.

*Fry each side for a couple of minutes or until they become slightly golden brown (you put them onto kitchen roll after frying to soak up any excess oil).

*Arrange the fritters on to a flat tray and bake in the oven at 230 degrees celsius for 5 minutes.


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Caramel Chocolate Tarts

*1 cup of Oatmeal
*50g Melted Butter

*1/2 cup Almond Meal

*1 Egg

*1 teaspoon of Honey

*Caramel Sauce

*150g Dark Chocolate

*200mL Double Cream

*100mL Baileys

*Sliced Strawberries



*Mix oatmeal, butter, almond meal, egg and honey in a bowl until a dough-like consistency is achieved.

*Press dough into tart tray to create the base of the tarts

*Bake for 15 minutes at 170 degrees celsius

*Once the tart bases are ready, place layer of caramel sauce on each tart.

*Refrigerate while preparing next layer of tarts.

*For the chocolate topping, melt 150g of dark chocolate.

*Whisk all together with double cream and baileys.

*Take tray out of fridge and fill each tarte to the top with chocolate filling.

*Slice strawberries and place on top of each tart.

* Refrigerate for 60 minutes and enjoy the gooey goodness!


whatieat-14-min whatieat-7-min


Grilled Peach Salad

*Sliced Peaches

*Sliced Courgettes

*Boiled Green Beans

*Mixed Greens


*Grill sliced peaches on each side for about a minute or so.

*Place in fridge to cool down.

*Grill sliced courgettes

*Put green beans and courgettes in a bowl and drizzle some salad dressing on top.

*Mix remainder of dressing and lettuce in a bowl and then place on a serving tray.

*Add veggies on top.

*Add final touch of peaches.


Salad Dressing

*1 tbsp Olive Oil

*1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar

*Juice of 1 Lemon

*Pinch of Salt

*1 tbsp of Balsamic Vinegar

*Mix all ingredients together in a bowl.



Salmon Fishcakes

*Salmon Filets

*1 Lemon


*1 tbsp cup of Coconut Flour

*1 Egg



*Place salmon filets on trays and sprinkle salt on top.

*Bake in oven at 230 degrees celsius for 7 minutes.

*Mix together egg and 1 coconut flour (for each filet of salmon).

*Mush up salmon and add to mixture.

*Add dill, pinch of salt and mix into small round disks.

*Refrigerate for about 60 minutes.

*After refrigeration, fry each side of fishcake for about 2 minutes.

*Bake in oven at 230 degrees celsius for 3 minutes and then serve!

Click the video below and watch how to go through the motions!